Thursday, November 12, 2020


                                What is Manglik/Mangal Dosh/Yog

Manglik/Mangal Dosh/Yog is creates certain results in someone's horoscope pertaining to relationships, marriage, and other aspects. This Dosha/yoga is also known by the name of Bhom Dosha, Kuja Dosha or Angarakha Dosha. The position of planet Mars in the birth chart (kundli) is the core factor for reflection of 'Manglik/Mangal dosha/Yoga'. In Hindu (vedic) astrology/jyotish, Mangal/Manglik Dosha/Yoga is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars is placed in either ascendant (First House), House of happiness or mental peace (Fourth house), House of marriage (Seventh House), House of longevity (Eighth House) or house of expenditure (Twelfth House). A person born with this kind of placement is termed as a Manglik/Mangal.

On general grounds, it is considered to be inauspicious for marriages, as it will cause discomfort and tension in the relationship that leads to creating discord among the partners and other bigger issues. However, the results of Manglik/mangal Dosh/yoga are not always malefic; results can be beneficial also depending on the planets. It means if planet Mars is in the conjunction with any beneficial planets like Jupiter, Venus or Moon, the bad effect of Manglik/Mangal Dosh/Yoga can be minimized but if planet Mars is in conjunction with malefic planets, it can increase problems related to marriage and relationship. 'Manglik/Mangal dosha/Yoga' is considered to be a major concern in the arrangement of a marriage during match-making as marriages tend to get delayed due to such problems.

During match-making, Manglik dosha gets canceled in either of the two situations. If there are similar afflictions in the horoscopes of the boy and the girl or If one of them has Mars in the 'Lagna', second, fourth, seventh, eighth or the twelfth house and the other has Saturn or 'Rahu / Ketu' in the 'Lagna', second, fourth, seventh, eighth or the twelfth House, then also, the defects get cancelled.

Characteristics of Manglik/Mangal dosha/yoga :

1.This Dosha is not a gender bias and people of both the sexes can be Manglik.
2.The planet of Mars represents esteem, energy, ego, and self-respect. Therefore one with the Manglik/Mangal Dosha/yoga has a volatile temper, thus facing a lot of problems in bending and adjusting with their partners.
3.The energy of a Manglik individual is equivalent to that of the fire. Therefore this energy must be utilized in a constructive & right manner, or otherwise, the individual might become ruthless and cruel.
4.Manglik/Mangal Dosha/yoga is perceived to adversely influence the conjugal life, mind, and also causes the financial losses.

5.If a Manglik person is born on Tuesday the effects are nullified.
6.Also, the marriage between two Manglik individuals cancels the negative effects.

Generally, ManglikMangal dosha/Yoga will cause following effects:

1.Too much delay in marriage
2.Disputes and quarrels in marital life
3.Mismatch in thoughts
5.Death of spouse
6.Late Education
7.Belatedly start of career/profession
8.Slow progress in career
9.Delay in child birth

If you want to know your kundli is free from Manglik/Mangal Dosh/Yog or not please SUBSCRIBE my blog i tell you for FREE

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