Takshak Kaal Sarp Yog builts in one’s kundali when Rahu is positioned in the 7th house of the horoscope, Ketu is positioned in the 1st house of the horoscope and all the other planets are positioned in the house grazing from the 7th house to the 1st house of kundali.
These people lives in
regular belief and lose their money because of alcoholic tendencies, wrong
company and gambling. People face any arguments and drama in their life.
Rahu and Ketu are in
one of the most necessary houses of the horoscope so it requires great
attention of an astrologer.
caused by Takshak Kaal Sarp Yog when built in horoscope:
The powerful existence
of this kaal sarpa dosh can cause major issues in one’s life.
- The people suffer suddenly by
physical appearance due to this dosh. The native can have their body
weight more than average body weight for their height or the weight might
be less than the needed body weight as per height.
- The person with this dosh can
have an unfavorable result on their personality, they might give negative
vibes and so people might feel annoying with their company.
- Most of the native face
problems with their marriage life and these issues may vary in nature and
quantum as per the strength of the dosh.
- Professional success is tougher
to come due to their personality.
- The person with strong Takshak
kaal sarpa dosh in their horoscope is backed by other specific defects
womanizing, smoking, boozing etc.
Kaal Sarp Yog effects on marriage:
- People face problems in their
married life. It can be serious relying upon the strength of the dosh in
the horoscope.
- There is a delay in marriage
and sometimes because of the nature of in laws or wife they may get
- The native with this kaal sarpa
dosh should not think of love marriage as their marriage life will become
- The problems may also take
place due to the involvement of person in extramarital affairs, intoxication