Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosh
This Dosh occurs in one’s birth chart when Rahu is placed in 12th house and ketu will place in the 6th house.Other
planets are placed in the house ranging from 6th to 12th in birth chart.
It is believed that
this dosh (problems) are faced due to past life karmas.
The person born with
this dosh usually settles away from his place of birth.
Sheshnag is considered
the eldest and most peaceful of all serpents.
Problems/Dosh caused by Sheshnag kaal sarp dosh when formed in
The ambitions &
desires of people born with Sheshnag Kaal sarp doshare usually delayed than
they wish for and are realized later in their life.
They usually have to
stay away from their family to make a livelihood.
It might be possible
that at a very young age, the child (jaatak) mightface court cases.
In this dosh, the
person spends more than he earns. As a result, he has to work hard to recover
the overdue & debt.
The person with this
dosh is very vulnerable to magic (Black magic)
He/She might make lot
of enemies; sometimes past friends can turn out to be enemies in the future.
Effects on marriage
It is known that
Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosh can impact Marriages, new alliances &
Sheshnag Kaal Sarp
Dosh can affect marriages due to which they may come across multiple problems
related to their respective marriages.
This Dosh may cause
delay in marriages, even as late as 41 yrs of age or he/she may not get married
for their whole life.
It is even possible
that people who get married on time may have to face many problems in their
marriage. They might get involved in extramarital affairs that in turn will
create problems in their marriages.
Somemay, out of choice
will choose not live with their partners.Seeking divorce from their spouse
(Jeevansathi/Life partner)and they may get married to their lovers if they have
In some cases the
person with this Dosh might have to stay away from their wives as well as from
their children for a long period of time, reasons for this may wary from person
to person.