Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog
Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog
is one of the types of kaal sarp dosh. It is created in one’s horoscope when
rahu is in 3rd house and ketu is in 9th position and all other planets are
encircled by Rahu and Ketu. Vasuki kaal sarp dosh is also known as
Ahirbandhu kaal sarpa dosh.
Problems/Dosh caused by Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog when formed in horoscope:-
Person has to strife for money, but still has less accomplishment.
In spite of the hard work, he does not get affirmation.
He might also get fired from his work.
His relatives and friends usually cheat him
There will be lack of peace in house, and more.
Precautions for those who are in difficulty from Vasuki Kaal Sarp yoga:
Do not use any intoxicants like cigarettes, hard drinks
You should not purchase or wear old products used by others.
Do not use money on other’s advice without guarantee.
Moreover, do not deal with the government agencies.
Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog effects on marriage:
Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog abate the chance of love in your life
It makes delay in marriage or issues in married life.
Creates misunderstandings among the partners, brings confusions or arguments which may lead to divorce.
It also includes issues with your physical relation and problems related to your kids.