Saturday, September 25, 2021

Bilva Jadi/Root

                                                    Benefits of Bilva Jadi

Bilva Jadi is associated with the Sun God or Surya Deva. Sun signifies power, optimism, warmth, honour, success, energy and being a champion. Let's take a look at the negative effects of Sun, they are bad behaviour, arrogant, misleading, jealousy, anger, trouble with family and friends. So, the Bilva is used to decrease the negative effects while simultaneously increase the positive effects of the Sun or Surya. Bilva also helps in curing the diseases caused by the ill effect of Sun, they being heart and spine related ailments, indigestion, fatigue to name a few.

To reduce ill effects of Sun, cure heart and spine related ailments, indigestion, fatigue etc.

Associated with the planet Sun

NOTE:- Wear 100% original and energized jadi under expert guidance and follow the rules.

बिल्व जडी सूर्य देव के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। सूर्य शक्ति, आशावाद, गर्मजोशी, सम्मान, सफलता, ऊर्जा और एक चैंपियन होने का प्रतीक है। आइए एक नजर डालते हैं सूर्य के नकारात्मक प्रभावों पर, वे हैं बुरे व्यवहार, घमंडी, भ्रामक, ईर्ष्या, क्रोध, परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ परेशानी। तो, बिल्व का उपयोग नकारात्मक प्रभावों को कम करने के साथ-साथ सूर्य के सकारात्मक प्रभावों को बढ़ाने के लिए किया जाता है। बिल्व सूर्य के दुष्प्रभाव से होने वाले रोगों को ठीक करने में भी मदद करता है, वे हृदय और रीढ़ से संबंधित रोग, अपच, थकान कुछ नाम हैं।


सूर्य के दुष्प्रभाव को कम करने के लिए हृदय और रीढ़ की हड्डी से संबंधित बीमारियों, अपच, थकान आदि को ठीक करने के लिए।

ग्रह :-

सूर्य ग्रह से सम्बंधित

नोट:- १००% ओरिजिनल और ऊर्जस्वी जडी विशेषज्ञ के मार्गदर्शन में पहनें और नियमों का पालन करें।

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Anuradha Nakshatra

                                                  Anuradha Nakshatra

Anuradha nakshatra is the 17th nakshatra out of the total 27 nakshatras. There are 2 stars in this nakshatra which forms the shape of an umbrella. According to Vedic sages, it is a punishment of tapasvi. The deity of this nakshatra is ‘mitra’ which is one of the 12 adityas. Anuradha means welcoming Radha, after Radha or staying at the back of Radha.

Anuradha nakshatra is affected by Saturn (shani) and mars (mangal) due to which it has tamogun. This nakshatra gets its energy from saturn and mars due to which the native is always ready to do something new and different. Anuradha's moon is considered to be the second half of the month of Vaishakha in May. This constellation is related to Dwadashi date.

 Anuradha Nakshatra Padas:

1st Pada:- The 1st pada or quarter falls in Leo Navamsa.

2nd Pada:- The 2nd pada or quarter falls in Virgo Navamsa.

3rd Pada:- The 3rd pada or quarter falls in Libra Navamsa.

4th Pada:- The 4th pada or quarter falls in Scorpio Navamsa.

Male Characteristics:-

Males born under the influence of this Nakshatra are hard-working beings. You can entrust them with any task and they would do it with dedication. However, problems do not leave his side. Despite his very best efforts, they may find themselves in tough situations. But they handle their issues with grace. 


Handsome faces and bright eyes are their key physical attributes. However, they may appear as frustrated or gloomy because of the problems in their life. They may also show signs of distress, mentally.


Education and Profession

The natives become good businessmen and will prosper as well. If they are into services, they know a trick or two to please their bosses. Males born under this star begin working at a very young age. Again, the period between 17-48 shall remain a tough phase for them. But, it doesn’t mean that they won’t benefit at all.

However, post 48, life shall become comparatively easier. It is during this period that they may decide to settle down. The obstacles and miseries shall lessen as well.


Compatibility and Family Life

From the father’s side, the native shall not get any benefit. Their relationship between them is not one of peaceful co-existence. Frequent arguments will take place now and then. At the same time, love from their mother’s side too is hard to come by. 

However, the males of this Nakshatra shall enjoy a content married life. Relationships with their spouses will bring them joy. What’s more? Their children shall do well in their life as well. 


Health and Well-Being

The health of the natives shall remain good. However, minor issues may plague their health. These are dental problems, cough, and cold, asthma & constipation. It is due to their careless nature that they shall suffer. Medications not taken on time will also cause them harm.

 Female Characteristics:-

Female of this Nakshatra have a child-like innocence. The natives are down to earth and free of arrogance. Such qualities make them admirable. They have the qualities and charm that attracts many. 

The female natives can give everyone a run for their money. Blessed with a strong personality & charming looks, they are unstoppable. Moreover, they are affectionate, kind, and friendly. Other prominent traits that define them are their sensitivity, pure heart, and simple living. 

They  maintain a positive relationship with everyone around them. They do not believe in boasting of their riches or qualities. Besides, they give equal respect and regards to everyone. Hence, they attract many admirers. Nothing about them is fake. They keep it real and honest. 

Again, what sets them apart is their humanitarian nature. One can find these natives indulging in social services. They believe in uplifting humanity.

Despite their positive qualities, the female natives may have to face a tough life. But they don’t deviate from their goals even after the hardships. Their positive outlook in life helps them to move ahead.

Meanwhile, they would do well in social and political fields. 


Education & Profession

The females of this Nakshatra shall prove their excellence in fine arts and music. Interestingly, numerous professional dancers from various art forms are also born in this Nakshatra. They are loyal and determined individuals who give their 100% to their work. Commitment is their second name. 

Women natives have the creativity and hence do well in related fields. It is the result of the hard work that they reach the pinnacle of success. 


Compatibility and Family Life

Devotion and dedication are two pillars of strength for the women natives. The natives emerge as an ideal mother who leaves no stone unturned for raising her children.

Such women are self-made people but they also grow up with little or no support from their parents

Health and Well-Being

The females of this star remain in pink of their health. However, problems concerning the menstruation cycle may emerge. They may suffer from irregular periods and pain. There are also chances of them suffering from headaches. But they would remain free of major problems. 



·         Energetic

·         Spirited

·         Fun-loving

·         Popular

·         Attractive

·         Vigorous

·         Wise

·         Spiritual seeker

·         Interested in ancient knowledge

·         Hard worker

·         Capable of predicting

·         Devoted

·         Reliable

·         Healthy

·         Enjoys social life and organizations

·         Enjoys travel

·         Benefits more if they live away from their place of birth

·         Ability to attract and maintain friendship


            Needs constant nourishment

·         Feels guilty for unwanted things

·         Guarded

·         Deceitful

·         Held back by others

·         Cannot cope up with hunger or thirst

·         Emotionally needy

·         Rebellious

·         Adheres to bad advice and suffers consequences

·         Jealous and controlling of others

·         Unaware of their impact on others

·         May be discontented due to a lack of maternal nurturing

·         Moves frequently due to dissatisfaction

·         Tries too hard for spiritual progress.



·         Musicians

·         Business management

·         Travel industry

·         Dentists

·         Criminal lawyers

·         Mining engineers

·         Scientists

·         Statistician

·         Mathematician

·         Psychic mediums

·         Astrologers

·         Spies

·         Photographers

·         Industrialist

·         Counselors

·         Psychologists

·         Diplomats

·         Occupations connected to foreign countries

·         Group activities organization/institution executive

 Favourable Acivities:-

 Relating and socializing with friends

·         Scientific research

·         Travel to foreign lands

·         Immigration

·         Healing

·         Meditation

·         Financial tasks

·         Exploration

·         Covert actions.

 Unfavourable Activities:-

 Beginnings or inaugural events

·         Marriage

·         Confrontation

·         Routine or commonplace activities


Moolank/Driver no.1 and Bhagyank/Conductor no. 1

                          Moolank/Driver no.1 and Bhagyank/Conductor no. 1 Moolank/Driver 1 and Bhagyank/Conductor 1 ruling planet Sun (sury...