Ghatak Kaal Sarp Yog
When a native experience pain from Ghatak Kaal
Sarpa Dosh, his/her Rahu is positioned in the 10th house, Ketu is positioned
in the 4th house and all the
other planets are positioned among the axis of Rahu and Ketu, Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosh is built
in horoscope.
People face litigation
issues. They get punished by the law for their behavior. However, if this yog
turns beneficial then it can help them accomplish great political power.
caused by Ghatak Kaal Sarp Yog when built in horoscope:
- The native with dosh may have
no constant thoughts.
- The native may not be constant
with his job and may suffer much disintegration in his business.
- As Rahu is situated in the
house of happiness in ones kundali he may not stay happy all over his
- This dosh can bother the
childhood of the person, mostly the issues are with mother, the person may
not get the love and attention from mother and their will not be a strong
- People face lot of health
problems. It depends upon the strength of dosh. Sometimes it may kill the
person in young age.
Kaal Sarp Yog effects on marriage
- The person may come across many
issues before and after marriage.
- Relying upon the strength of
the dosh the person may not get married till late in their lives.
- The person may involve in a
love relationship in early age, and there might be powerful disagreements
and they may not be married.