Monday, November 30, 2020

Shani Sade Sati

                                                       Shani Sade Sati 

Saturn/Shani transiting through 12th house to the 2nd house arises Shani Sade Sati. This time period is of 7.5 years which is considered as malefic and inauspicious for the native.

The native has to face a lot of challenges and hurdles during this period. Saturn/Shani gives malefic rewards if ill-placed but it is said that shani sade sati is not always unfortunate. Many a times, Saturn/Shani give good results to the natives who worked hard and remained disciplined in the past.

What an individual do during this period sets his rewards for next 23 years when Saturn/Shani starts falling into 12 house again.

General Traits

Saturn female natives are pessimistic. They crib for everything. They are moody and sensitive. Male natives are hard-working and lean. They like to stay away from crowd. They are active in their work.

Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius natives do no face any malefic effects while Aries, cancer, Leo and Scorpio will face the most.


  • The person is not able to see positive shades in life.
  • The native weakens after looking negative side of everything.
  • The native may face physical pain in the first cycle.
  • Parents health may get effected.
  • The native may face hardcore labor and struggle in the second cycle.
  • The person may lose his elders in the family.
  • The native may face near to death physical pain in the third cycle.

Friday, November 27, 2020



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Kaal Sarp Dosh

                                                      Kaal Sarp Dosh 

The word itself decode its meaning that is kaal - "TIME" or sarp- "SNAKE" or serpent. Kaal Sarp dosh is very dangerous and inauspicious in anyone's chart. It shadows its bad effects on health, property and business. It makes the simplest work, the most difficult one.

Kaal Sarp Dosh occurs when all seven planets stuck between rahu and ketu. Rahu and Ketu are placed in front of each other in the chart. So, if all the planets rest between them, there is kaal sarp dosh. The time period for Kaal Sarp dosha is generally 47 years also it depends upon individual to individual.


There are twelve types of kaal sarp dosh according to the natal chart.

  • Anant
  • Kulik
  • Vasuki
  • Shankhpal
  • Padam
  • Mahapadam
  • Takshak
  • Karkotak
  • Shankhnaad
  • Ghatak
  • Vishdhar
  • Shashnaag

General Traits of Kaal Sarp Dosh

  • Rahu female natives are fond of cleanliness. They love to spend on their high life style. They feel attracted towards men even after marriage. Male natives are selfish and sensual. They can flirt to every kind of women. They love travelling.
  • Ketu female natives are very independent and self-made. They lose their partner early either by divorce or becoming a widow. Male natives are religious and philosophical. They are not loyal to their partners. They get attracted towards divorcees or widows.
  • The effects of kaal sarp dosha in marriage gets reduced by remarrying your wife/husband.

Effects of kaal Sarp Dosh

  • Kaal Sarp Dosh affected person deteriorates in health and reduces life span.
  • People with Kaal Sarp Effects fear insecurity and death.
  • The person remain confused while taking decisions.
  • Many problems occur in the matters related to love, marriage and children.
  • Diseases which are not cured by any medicine.
  • Kaal Sarp Dosh affected people Struggle in wealth, profession and career.
  • Face betrayals from friends and business partners.
  • Delay in success. Not able to receive rewards.
  • One face obstacles in everything they start.
  • The person is not able to maintain family relationships.
  • One is not able to sleep due to nightmares and dreams of snakes.
  • Lack of confidence and self- esteem.
  • Lack of happiness and mental peace.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


                                        PITRU/PITRA DOSH NIVARAN YANTRA

Are you facing problem in your life because of Pitru/Pitra Dosh in your kundli/birth chart place energized Pitru/Pitra Dosh Nivaran Yantra in your house and perform daily puja of it 

Benefits of this yantra:-

1) Relief from mental and physical aliments.

2) Help overcome difficulties in career and finances.

3) Bestows progeny,fortune and harmony.




Wednesday, November 25, 2020


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                                       NUMEROLOGY/ANK JYOTISH MOOANK No. 3

Person born on 3,12,21 and 30 of any month

Lucky Day:- Thursday

Lucky Stone:-  Yellow Sapphire

Lucky Color:- Yellow

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


                                       MULTI PURPOSE LOCKET/BRACELET

We have Multi Purpose Locket & Bracelet.This locket or bracelet is made of magic stone.Some of the benefits of  this locket & bracelet are:-

1) If u r unmarried wear this to find a life partner.

2) Increase love,unity between married couples.

3) It helps in maintaining stability & concord in married life by infusing deep understanding in partners.

4) It  saves the wearer from mishaps & violence while also reducing mental stress.

5) It is especially beneficial for those who work at high attitudes & related to fields like films,fashion.television,jewellery,accountancy,law,education,teachers,authors,scholars etc.

6) One distinct quality of this stone is that it changes its colour & losses luster if the wearer is exposed to physical & mental threats e.g disloyalty

7) It has remarkable healing properties & ensure overall physical fitness.

8) It enhances immunity & eliminates pollution inflicted diseases.Problems like asthma,excess alcoholism,depression,high BP, Heart problem,viral infection,migraines.

9) It  removes misfortunes & bad luck & results in more health,wealth,name,fame,

wealth,honesty & strength

10) It is an excellent remedy for mood swings,anxiety & panic attacks.

11) It also leads to tissue revival & body strengthening for a healthier body & soul.

We provide you fully energized locket & bracelet with 2100 vedic mantras for maximum benefits

To know about cost please leave your comment with your email address or subscribe our blog

Moolank/Driver no.1 and Bhagyank/Conductor no. 1

                          Moolank/Driver no.1 and Bhagyank/Conductor no. 1 Moolank/Driver 1 and Bhagyank/Conductor 1 ruling planet Sun (sury...